MicroSpot ELISA for High-Through put Multiplex Cytokine Quantification FAST Quant represents a quantum leap forward in protein microarray technology. With FAST Quant, a researcher can accurately determine the concentration of several cytokines in dozens of biological samples simultaneously, using familiar ELISA immunochemistry. Built on FAST technology, the high protein binding capacity surface chemistry, FAST Quant combines the power of array technology with the quantitative nature and highthroughput capabilities of traditional ELISA. FAST Quant exhibits sensitivity and reproducibility better than traditional ELISA. Each FAST Quant kit contains 64 arrays of 8-10 monoclonal antibodies with affinities for common human or mouse cytokines. The antibodies are arrayed in a quantitative fashion in triplicate on each array. Using four 16-pad FAST Slides placed in a FAST Frame (sold separately) FAST Quant offers an 8 x 12 cm footprint - the same as the traditional microplate format. A standard curve can be generated by creating a dilutional series from recombinant antigen mass standards. Due to the solid-phase nature of a microspot assay, it is not necessary to take duplicate measurements of each sample. The MicroSpot ELISA reaction is entirely concentration dependent, unlike an ELISA where the reaction is both concentration and volume dependent. FAST Quant antibody arrays offer a variety of human and mouse menus. All arrays come in a four-slide kit with recombinant antigens standard, detection antibodies and processing buffers. Data analysis is seamless using data reduction software, ArrayVision FAST, the cutting edge utility for protein array image analysis. The software provides rapid data acquisition and comprehensive reports. ArrayVision analyzes any .tif image from virtually all commercial imaging instruments. The application provides standard curve data, concentrations of unknowns, and percent coefficient of variation for each analyte. FAST Quant is another clear example of Whatman commitment to providing the scientific community with the best solution for multiplex cytokine measurements.